Bowen and EMMETT Techniques

Relaxation and muscle-release

The Bowen technique: soft tissue remedial therapy

The Bowen Technique is a soft tissue remedial therapy that involves the therapist using fingers or thumbs to move over muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia in various parts of the body. This therapy can be effective to help relieve everyday stresses and revitalise the whole person.

Each Bowen Technique session varies according to the particular problems of the client.

By focusing on the back, legs, shoulders and the neck, a sense of wellbeing can be achieved, helping relaxation, aiding sleep, helping to remove everyday stress and anxiety that can make us feel under-par or prevent us functioning at our optimum.

with kind permission from John Wilks

The EMMETT technique: muscle release therapy

The EMMETT Technique is based on the belief that light touch can trigger a relaxation response in the soft tissue of the body, and the therapist may help relieve tensions resulting in feelings of improved comfort within the body. It may be enjoyed by people of all ages, from babies to the elderly. Many people find they feel more at ease within their body and emotional well-being is enhanced. The relaxing nature of the technique results in people reporting typical responses such as improved comfort and ease within the area treated (back, abdomen, hips, legs, knees, ankles, feet, shoulders, arm, hand and neck); more restful sleep; enhanced mood and/or a sense of lightness within the body.

People can be treated while sitting, standing or lying down. The treatment can be applied directly to the skin or through clothing. Sessions can last anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes if the EMMETT Technique is used alone – longer if combined with another technique.

MSTR®: the McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release® technique

The MSTR Technique was designed by Alastair McLoughlin, a body therapist, who understood that gentle touch was enough to shift the connective fibres holding the tissue together at the site of the scar and around it.

The tissues can’t glide as freely as before surgery or the accidental injury the body was submitted too.


I have successfully treated people who had C-section, breast-cancer, shoulder or knee operation.

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